As featured on The Huffington Post: In the real-time commodity market, where commodities are traded as actual physical products, whereby title is taken, financed, shipped and consumed, it has been received wisdom that cartels seeking to impact the price and distribution of a given commodity, that commodity needed to be either in short or near…
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OPEC Is Over
Oil Prices Plunging! President George H.W. Bush Where Are You As We Need You!
As featured on The Huffington Post: To the deep consternation of the oilogopoly and their kindred and influential allies in government and finance the price of oil has been dropping precipitously: Venezuela, where a gallon of gasoline costs pennies, is reeling; Saudi Arabia, where their current national budget is under strain, not to speak of…
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“Israel” Got It Wrong
As featured on The Huffington Post: Today Israel is being held to a higher standard. When it is attacked and has the audacity to defend itself, it is termed ‘genocidal’ by those who are not only quick but also pre-programed to cast the most disingenuous and inflammatory accusations that all too often extend far beyond…
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Extremism: Its Supporters and a Voice of Reason
As featured on The Huffington Post: Today’s New York Times carried an in-depth article about one of the myriad supporters of extremist Islam (“Qatar’s Support of Extremists Alienates Allies Near and Far”) The article goes into expository detail citing Qatar’s support of “Islamist groups around the region by providing safe haven, diplomatic mediation, financial aid and in certain…
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Saudi Contrition Fighting Terrorism: Much Too Little, Much Too Late
As featured on The Huffington Post: Last week the New York Times (“Saudis Give $100 Million To U.N. Fight On Terrorism” 08.14.14) informed us that Saudi Arabia, increasingly concerned about the spread of Islamist militant extremism reaching its own doorstep, had donated $100 million to the United Nations counterterrorism agency the day before. Thank you, Saudi Arabia….
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The Crisis With Russia and the Unspoken Link
As featured on The Huffington Post: Riveting as always at the Aspen Institute, which hosted a stellar, deeply informed panel this past Friday bringing together Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and moderated by Harvard Kennedy School Professor Nicholas Burns. It would have…
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John Kerry Raises a Beacon to the Spirit of the Saint Louis
As featured on The Huffington Post: Lindbergh’s historic flight on “The Spirit of St. Louis” is one of the great icons of American History and American initiative. Charles Lindbergh and his flying machine’s triumphal crossing of the Atlantic in 1927 was one of America’s greatest adventures, an event for which the nation stood tall and…
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Warren Buffett as Market Manipulator — Impossible?
As featured on The Huffington Post: Warren Buffett the very icon and dean of the America’s trust in the stock market and our economic process whose example has been a beacon of achievement and trust in the system. Is it possible that even Warren Buffett has clay feet, stooping to the very actions whose cynicism…
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‘NYT’ Op-Ed Militates for Higher Oil Prices and Fewer American Jobs
As featured on The Huffington Post: The NYTimes Op-Ed Militates For Higher Oil Prices and Fewer American Jobs in Thursday’s NYTimes Op-Ed “Let Our Oil and Gas Go” Mr. Steven Rattner demonstrates that he lives in an oil industry induced fantasy whose preachments have seduced the public, our government, our press in the misguided belief that the price we are…
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Raymond J. Learsy, a graduate of the Wharton School, made his life in the fast-paced, risk-filled world of commodities trading, beginning in 1959. In 1963, he started his own firm and over twenty years expanded from the U.S. into Canada, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Brazil, and Pakistan, trading in an array of bulk raw materials and commodities, shipping to customers worldwide. In the 1980s, he shifted gears as a private investor, from 1982 to 1988, served as a Reagan appointee to the National Endowment for the Arts...