Tag Archives: WTI
You Will Be Paying Higher Gasoline Prices. It Is Essential You Begin to Understand Why!
As featured on The Huffington Post: In the face of escalating gas prices, the oil patch, their allies and Wall Street are counting on your ignorance permitting them to pick your pockets, spoon-feeding you nonsense while they cash in massively. The only defense we have is a vigilante public calling on our government to level…
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Also tagged Business News, CFTC, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, Financial Crisis, Gas & Oil, Gulf Oil, Joe Petrowski, NewYork Mercantile Exchange
Tagged Business News, CFTC, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, Financial Crisis, Gas & Oil, Gulf Oil, Joe Petrowski, NewYork Mercantile Exchange, WTI
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